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Sketch Book Page 1

Here are some sketches I did yesterday. I pretty much just doodle on blank copy paper. I have felt a little stiffled lately so sometimes it helps to just start drawing with an empty brain and see where my mind takes me.


The Shoeless Schoolmarm said...

You're still my hero Bro. Heywood!!!!!!!!! You know I have a religion teacher who is nearly as cool as you, but very different. You'd love him too! I miss my cc crew! I may even stop by seminary one morning during the fall. hehehe no I probablly won't. Catch ya later kiddo!
-Amanda Hatton

Steve Heywood said...

I'm glad to know I am somebody's hero. I hope your having a good time.

The Shoeless Schoolmarm said...

hahaha! Man you rock! maybe I'll come T.P. you again....oh wait no! that wasn't me! ahhha man. So it's Old testament this year? Are you stoked?

joeheywood said...

I'd forgotten how soothing doodling can be. I need to get a sketch book again.

johnsun said...

If my mind took me there, I'd probably consider counselling.

Sounds like you have a seminary student fanclub. I hate all the fan mail that comes with teaching the gospel, but hey, someone has to do it! John