Copyrights for all images on this Blog are owned by Steve Heywood and may not be used without permission.


Happy Birthday!

I did this for my birthday (July 16) but then I forgot to post it. We were in Hawaii last week and getting ready for that kind of consumed my time.


Sketch Book Page 1

Here are some sketches I did yesterday. I pretty much just doodle on blank copy paper. I have felt a little stiffled lately so sometimes it helps to just start drawing with an empty brain and see where my mind takes me.


Half Full?

How do you see it?


Feejee Mermaid

In the 1840's P.T. Barnum added a new attraction to his circus side show, The Feejee Mermaid. It appeared to be half monkey half fish and was a weird corpse looking thing that of course was just a hoax. But I have been fascinated with the idea since I saw an episode of The X Files that talked about this strange creature.


4th of July

Happy 4th George!


Big E

This is a caricature I did of Dale Earnhardt for somebody. They never used it for anything but I still like it.



What Is That Thing?

Mary had a cuddle bug
That wouldn't go to sleep
She rocked and she hugged it,
But still it did just weep.
The bug was sure an ugly thing
But Mary loved it so
Despite it's truly putrid smell
She took him everywhere she'd go


Captain Flyswatter

Phil always wanted to be a SUPERHERO but to his dismay the only SUPER POWER he possessed was that of swatting flies. But to everyone else's dismay Phil didn't look as good in his new-fangled-spandex-super-suit as he thought. Phil eventually forgot about fly swatting altogether and spent most of his days posing in supposed SUPERHERO poses while his wife sat and cried as flies buzzed around the abandand rotting meatloaf she had cooked for her husband.


Tree Swallow

Here is another one done in colored pencil. Scanned in on my NEW scanner on my NEW computer that I built all by my self!


Cup O' Joe

Despite the resemblence, this is not a caricature of Joe Heywood. When I eventually do a caricature of Joe Heywood it will be entitled "Bob Unt Gelbe Puppe"


Aqua Man

Things have been a bit CrAzY at work so I haven't been posting but this guy I think is pretty cool! Everyone knows wierd little fishmen like pizza more than Zeke's Floating Bait.



Here are a couple of caricatures. I actually did these quite awhile ago but I still like them. See if you can guess who they are.


Trouble with Turrbles

Henry likes to balance on the back of turrble shells
As he hops from hump to hump the turrbles snap and yell
But then one day poor Henry
Hopped and slipped and fell
And suffered a most atrocious fate
Too turrible to tell.

Nimble Jack

Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
And he still burnt his butt
on a candle stick.



I have registered For now it just forwards to this page but I hope to put a real site together in the near future.

The Sprats

Jack Sprat could eat no fat
His wife could eat no lean
And so betwixt the two of them
They licked the platter clean.
I love the old nursery rhymes. They are so strange and demented.


Banana Guy

Top 5 reactions to this image

5. What the???
4. I wonder what his little banana bum bum looks like.
3. Why bananas?
2. That there is one dog gone cool looking little banana dude!
1. Oh, that's his nose!


Tree Head

This is one That I had the concept for awhile ago but could never execute it in a way that I liked. I'm pretty happy with this final piece. Too bad pigs don't live in trees. I always like bacon with my eggs.


Snake Charmer

This one was done with colored pencil instead of my traditional pen and ink.

Dog Paddle

This is a small tribute to Gary Larson and The Far Side.


Shoe Elf

If I was an elf that sneeked out at night I would use my magical elf powers to change the local milk cows into chocolate malt cows. Squeezing chocolate malts from a cows udder sounds much better than working all night on some old smelly shoes.


Juggling Act

This one is for all the moms in the world who's everyday lives are one big juggling act. This is also a reenactment of how I cracked my skull in 26 different places as an infant.


Oui, Oui!

I was going to type some cool french thing but I don't know any french.

What came first, the chicken or the alien?

I keep wondering, is it a chicken that looks like a man or man that looks like a chicken? Either way I'm sure I wouldn't want to be the one who has to clean out his coop.



As a kid I remember watching my grandpa Robles eat a bowl a cereal that had loads of ants crawling all over in it. He just kept eating and said, "Protein."
I did this guy for my business, Banana Graphics. My kids always call him "The Clown". I know someone else who says this is the scariest picture he has ever seen, hmmm. I personally don't think he is scary or looks like a clown but, oh well.

Mmmm, toasty!

Roasting marshmellows is one of the great simple pleasures in life, it's like catching a snowflake on you tongue or getting your head stuck in a mailbox. Everyone needs to experience it at least once in their life.