If I was an elf that
sneeked out at night I would use my magical elf powers to change the local milk cows into chocolate malt cows. Squeezing chocolate malts from a cows udder sounds much better than working all night on some old smelly shoes.
Love the pics. I see a lot of Tim Burton/Danny Elfman/wierd upbringing in your art!
Good to hear from you again. Are you going to the Heywood fam reunion? Hope to see you there. John (Heywood)
All of us have blogs that we maintain and make fun of each other on. Mine is http://johnsunheywood.blogspot.com/
If you go here, I have links to all the others. John
Thanks for all the comments. Yes we will be at the reunion unless some unforseen problem comes up, like an old gypsy woman turns me into a tree and I get eaten by termites.
'fI wer' 'nelf cowz wou'd emit hotfudg' malts
You have weird fam bro heywood....thats all can say, and it does show the danny elfman/ tim burton upbringing but thats okay.
Steve was raised by a family of crickets just outside of Yermo. He was taught to draw by Bob the Yellow Doll.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!! he is actually a marionet! and theres a guy on the ceiling who walks him around.....I feel like I'm on that movie where his whole life is a t.v. show.....gah!
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