Copyrights for all images on this Blog are owned by Steve Heywood and may not be used without permission.


Big E

This is a caricature I did of Dale Earnhardt for somebody. They never used it for anything but I still like it.



What Is That Thing?

Mary had a cuddle bug
That wouldn't go to sleep
She rocked and she hugged it,
But still it did just weep.
The bug was sure an ugly thing
But Mary loved it so
Despite it's truly putrid smell
She took him everywhere she'd go


Captain Flyswatter

Phil always wanted to be a SUPERHERO but to his dismay the only SUPER POWER he possessed was that of swatting flies. But to everyone else's dismay Phil didn't look as good in his new-fangled-spandex-super-suit as he thought. Phil eventually forgot about fly swatting altogether and spent most of his days posing in supposed SUPERHERO poses while his wife sat and cried as flies buzzed around the abandand rotting meatloaf she had cooked for her husband.


Tree Swallow

Here is another one done in colored pencil. Scanned in on my NEW scanner on my NEW computer that I built all by my self!


Cup O' Joe

Despite the resemblence, this is not a caricature of Joe Heywood. When I eventually do a caricature of Joe Heywood it will be entitled "Bob Unt Gelbe Puppe"


Aqua Man

Things have been a bit CrAzY at work so I haven't been posting but this guy I think is pretty cool! Everyone knows wierd little fishmen like pizza more than Zeke's Floating Bait.